Overview Contents: Introduction : Historical background of reinforced soil, Principles of reinforced soil through Mohr circle analysis. Different types of geosynthetics : Types of geosynthetics like geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geocells, geo-composites, their manufacturing methods.
40 Lessons
32:23:40 Hours
Overview Introduction to Soil Mechanics:Index properties, 1-d consolidation theory , direct shear tests: Theory and application - Triaxial tests:Triaxial (static and cyclic) and simple shear testing under stress- and strain-control with pore pressure measurements
37 Lessons
22:03:18 Hours
Overview Introduction, soil exploration, analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data, estimation of soil parameters for foundation design - Shallow Foundations :Methods for bearing capacity estimation, total and differential settlements of footing and raft, code provisions - Design of individual footings, strip footing, combined footing, rigid and flexible mat, buoyancy raft, basement raft, underpinning
40 Lessons
36:43:23 Hours
Overview Contents: Background of reinforced earth, mechanism and concepts, Basis of reinforced earth wall design - Geosynthetics classifications, functions, applications, raw materials used. Different types of Geosynthetics, manufacturing, system, Design and sustainability
50 Lessons
47:51:17 Hours
Overview The course on Concrete Technology focuses on concrete making materials including supplementary cementitious materials. Concrete production process also forms a part of the discussion.
41 Lessons
39:21:29 Hours
Overview Seismology- tectonic plates, causes of earthquake, soil effects, seismic hazard analysis;Earthquake inputs - spectrums, PSDFs, design spectrum, predictive relationship; Response analysis for specified ground motion - time and frequency domain analyses of structures for single and multi point excitations;
30 Lessons
28:15:21 Hours
Overview Water and Wastewater Quantity Estimation - Population forecast; Water demand for various purposes; Estimation of wastewater quantity; Variation in quantity of water and wastewater - Water Supply/Distribution Systems - Wastewater Collection Systems - Water/Wastewater Quality Enhancement - Philosophy of treatment; Unit operations and processes;
37 Lessons
35:55:27 Hours
Overview Introduction:Need for Ground Improvement, Different types of problematic soils, Emerging trends in ground Improvement - Mechanical stabilization:Shallow and deep compaction requirements, Principles and methods of soil compaction, Shallow compaction and methods - Properties of compacted soil and compaction control, Deep compaction and Vibratory methods Dynamic compaction
40 Lessons
36:28:37 Hours
Overview Introduction and course overview - Constituents of concrete - Admixtures in concrete - mineral and chemical - Hydration of cement - Basic properties of concrete - Proportioning of concrete mixes - Pores and porosity in concrete - Porosimetry
40 Lessons
32:27:22 Hours