Overview The objective of this course is to develop methods for analysis of structures subjected to dynamic loads which are random in nature. Structures under the action of wind or earthquake loads are typical of such problems. The course introduces the application of probability, random variables and random processes to model uncertainties in dynamic loads.
40 Lessons
37:03:02 Hours
Overview Introduction to Numerical Methods : Why study numerical methods,Sources of error in numerical solutions: truncation error, round off error.,Order of accuracy - Taylor series expansion
40 Lessons
36:15:24 Hours
Overview Course Contents Introduction Concepts of Systems and Systems Analysis; Systems Techniques in Water Resources : Optimization with methods using calculus; Linear Programming; Dynamic Programming; Simulation; Combination of Simulation and Optimzation; Mutli-objective Planning.
40 Lessons
39:28:53 Hours
Overview Contents: Open Channel Flow : Kinds of open channel flow, channel geometry, types and regimes of flow,Velocity distribution in open channel, wide open channel, specific energy, critical flow and its computation,Energy in non-prismatic channel, momentum in open channel flow, specific force.
42 Lessons
40:16:07 Hours
Overview INTRODUCTION : Hydrologic cycle, water budget equation, world water quantities, residence time, systems concept, transfer function operators, hydrologic model classification - HYDROLOGIC PROCESSES : Reynold's Transport Theorem, continuity equation, momentum equation, energy equation, discrete time continuity - ATMOSPHERIC HYDROLOGY : Atmospheric circulation, water vapor, formation of rainfall, types and forms of precipitation, precipitable water, monsoon characteristics in India, rainfall measurement, density and adequacy of rain gauges - Thunderstorm Cell model, IDF relationships, spatial averaging methods of rainfall;Factors affecting evaporation, estimation and measurement of evaporation, energy balance method, aerodynamic method, Priestly-Taylor method, and pan evaporation
44 Lessons
41:53:50 Hours
Overview Approximate solution of boundary value problems-Methods of weighted residuals, Approximate solution using variational method, Modified Galerkin method, Boundary conditions and general comments - Basic finite element concepts-Basic ideas in a finite element solution, General finite element solution procedure, Finite element equations using modified Galerkin method, Application: Axial deformation of bars, Axial spring element
40 Lessons
35:17:20 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Types of dynamic loads - Basic background of methods available and motivation for structural dynamics.
38 Lessons
34:01:19 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Scope and objective; Nature and types of dynamic loading; Importance of soil dynamics
39 Lessons
34:57:26 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Role of Probability in Civil Engineering Problems; Examples. Random Events : Definition of basic random events; Application of set theory in definition of composite event operations;
40 Lessons
36:45:46 Hours