Overview Contents: Open Channel Flow : Kinds of open channel flow, channel geometry, types and regimes of flow,Velocity distribution in open channel, wide open channel, specific energy, critical flow and its computation,Energy in non-prismatic channel, momentum in open channel flow, specific force.
42 Lessons
40:16:07 Hours
Overview INTRODUCTION : Hydrologic cycle, water budget equation, world water quantities, residence time, systems concept, transfer function operators, hydrologic model classification - HYDROLOGIC PROCESSES : Reynold's Transport Theorem, continuity equation, momentum equation, energy equation, discrete time continuity - ATMOSPHERIC HYDROLOGY : Atmospheric circulation, water vapor, formation of rainfall, types and forms of precipitation, precipitable water, monsoon characteristics in India, rainfall measurement, density and adequacy of rain gauges - Thunderstorm Cell model, IDF relationships, spatial averaging methods of rainfall;Factors affecting evaporation, estimation and measurement of evaporation, energy balance method, aerodynamic method, Priestly-Taylor method, and pan evaporation
44 Lessons
41:53:50 Hours
Overview Approximate solution of boundary value problems-Methods of weighted residuals, Approximate solution using variational method, Modified Galerkin method, Boundary conditions and general comments - Basic finite element concepts-Basic ideas in a finite element solution, General finite element solution procedure, Finite element equations using modified Galerkin method, Application: Axial deformation of bars, Axial spring element
40 Lessons
35:17:20 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Types of dynamic loads - Basic background of methods available and motivation for structural dynamics.
38 Lessons
34:01:19 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Scope and objective; Nature and types of dynamic loading; Importance of soil dynamics
39 Lessons
34:57:26 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Role of Probability in Civil Engineering Problems; Examples. Random Events : Definition of basic random events; Application of set theory in definition of composite event operations;
40 Lessons
36:45:46 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Historical background of reinforced soil, Principles of reinforced soil through Mohr circle analysis. Different types of geosynthetics : Types of geosynthetics like geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geocells, geo-composites, their manufacturing methods.
40 Lessons
32:23:40 Hours
Overview Introduction to Soil Mechanics:Index properties, 1-d consolidation theory , direct shear tests: Theory and application - Triaxial tests:Triaxial (static and cyclic) and simple shear testing under stress- and strain-control with pore pressure measurements
37 Lessons
22:03:18 Hours
Overview Introduction, soil exploration, analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data, estimation of soil parameters for foundation design - Shallow Foundations :Methods for bearing capacity estimation, total and differential settlements of footing and raft, code provisions - Design of individual footings, strip footing, combined footing, rigid and flexible mat, buoyancy raft, basement raft, underpinning
40 Lessons
36:43:23 Hours