Course description

Uniform Flow : Qualification of uniform flow, velocity measurement, Mannings and Chezys formula, determination of roughness coefficients,Determination of normal depth and velocity, most economical sections, non-erodible channels,Flow in a channel section with composite roughness, flow in close conduit with open channel flow.

Varied Flow : Dynamic equations of gradually varied flow, assumptions and characteristics of flow profiles, classification of flow profile, draw down and back water curves,profile determination, graphical integration, direct step and standard step method, numerical methods, flow through transitions, dynamic equation of spatially varied flow,Analysis of spatially varied flow profile, computation of spatially varied flow using numerical integration.

Hydraulic Jumps : Hydraulic jump, types of jump, basic characteristics of jump, length and location of jump, jump as energy dissipation, control of jump, surges, surge channel transitions.
Flow Through Non-Prismatic Channel Section : Sudden transition, sub-critical flow through sudden transition, flow through culverts, flow through bridge piers, obstructions, channel junction.

Turbines : Application of momentum principle, impact of jets on plane and curved plates, turbines, classification, radial flow turbines,Axial flow turbines, impulse and reaction turbines, draft tube and cavitations, performance of turbines, centrifugal pump, minimum speed to start the pump,Multistage pumps, jet and submersible pumps, positive displacement pumps, reciprocating pump, negative slip, flow separation conditions.

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