Course description

SUB-SURFACE WATER : Soil moisture, porosity, saturated and unsaturated flow; Richard's equation, infiltration, Horton's Phillip's, and Green Ampt methods, parameter estimation, ponding time concepts - SURFACE WATER : Catchment storage concept, Hortonian and saturation overland flow, streamflow hydrographs, base-flow separation - Phi-index, ERH & DRH, algorithm for abstraction using Green-Ampt equation, SCS method, overland and channel flow modeling, time area concepts, and stream networks.

UNIT HYDROGRAPH : General hydrologic system model, response functions of a linear hydrologic systems and their inter-relationships, convolution equation; definition and limitations of a UH;UH derivation from single and complex storms; UH optimization using regression. matrix, and LP methods - Synthetic unit hydrograph, S-Curve, IUH - HYDROLOGIC STATISTICS : Probability concepts, random variables, laws of probability, PDFs & CDFs;Normal and Binomial distributions; Statistical parameters: expected value, variance, skewness, and peakedness - Fitting of a probability distribution, methods of moments and maximum likelihood: Testing the goodness of fit, Chi-square test - Frequency analysis: return period, probability plotting, Extreme value distributions, frequency factors, Log-Pearson distribution, confidence limits - GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY : Occurrence of groundwater, aquifers & their properties, Darcy's law, permeability, transmissibility, stratification, confined groundwater flow, unconfined groundwater flow under Dupit's assumptions;
Well hydraulics, steady flow into confined and unconfined wells; Unsteady flow in a confined aquifer.

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