Course description

Physical, chemical and biological methods - Domestic Wastewater Treatment - Wastewater characteristics; Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment - Physical Unit Processes - Screening; Commutation; Grit Removal; Equilization; Sedimentation - Introduction to Microbiology - Microbial ecology and Growth kinetics; Types of microorganisms; aerobic vs. anaerobic processes - Biological Unit Processes - Aerobic treatment; Suspended growth aerobic treatment processes; Activated sludge process and its modifications; Attached growth aerobic processes; Tricking filters and Rotating biological contactors; Anaerobic treatment; suspended growth, attached growth, fluidized bed and sludge blanket systems; nitrification, denitrification; Phosphorus removal - Sludge Treatment - Thickening; Digestion; Dewatering; Sludge drying; Composting - Wastewater Treatment Plant Characteristics - Sequencing of unit operations and processes; Plant layout; Hydraulic considerations - Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems - Ponds and Lagoons; Wetlands and Root-zone systems - Surface and Ground Water Treatment for Potable Water Supply - Water Characteristics; Sequencing of unit operations and processes - Chemical Unit Processes - Coagulation-Flocculation; Filtration; Disinfections; Aeration and Gas transfer; Precipitation - Softening; Adsorption and Ion exchange; Membrane processes - Water Treatment Plant Characteristics - Plant layout; Hydraulic considerations - Rural Water Supply - Low Cost Sanitation - Septic tanks, Soak-pits.

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