Course description

Testing methods for geosynthetics : Techniques for testing of different index properties, strength properties, Apparent Opening Size, In-plane and cross-plane permeability tests, assessment of construction induced damage, extrapolation of long term strength properties from short term tests.

Reinforced Soil retaining walls : Different types of walls like wrap-around walls, full-height panel walls, discrete-facing panel walls, modular block walls Design methods as per BS-8006 and FHWA methods Construction methods for reinforced soil retaining walls.
Reinforced soil slopes : Basal reinforcement for construction on soft clay soils, construction of steep slopes with reinforcement layers on comptenet soils, Different slope stability analysis methods like planar wedge method, bi-linear wedge method, circular slip methods,Erosion control on slopes using geosynthetics.

Applications in foundations : Binquet and Lee's approach for analysis of foundations with reinforcement layers.
Drainage and filtration applications of geosynthetics : Different filtration requirements, filtration in different types of soils and criteria for selection of geotextiles, estimation of flow of water in retaining walls, pavements, etc. and selection of geosynthetics.

Pavement application : Geosynthetics for separation and reinforcement in flexible pavements, design by Giroud-Noiray approach, reflection cracking and control using geosynthetics.
Use of geosynthetics for construction of heavy container yards and raiway lines.
Construction of landfills using geosynthetics : Different components of modern landfills, collection techniques for leachate, application of different geosynthetics like geonets, geotextiles for drainage in landfills, use of geomembranes and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) as barriers.

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