Course description

Pile Foundations :Estimation load carrying capacity of single and pile group under various loading conditions - Pile load testing (static, dynamic methods and data interpretation), settlement of pile foundation, code provisions, design of single pile and pile groups, and pile caps - Well Foundations :Types, components, construction methods, design methods (Terzaghi, IS and IRC approaches), check for stability, base pressure, side pressure and deflection.

Retaining Walls :Types (types of flexible and rigid earth retention systems: counter fort, gravity, diaphragm walls, sheet pile walls, soldier piles and lagging) - Support systems for flexible retaining walls (struts, anchoring), construction methods, stability calculations, design of flexible and rigid retaining walls, design of cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls - Soil-Foundation Interaction : Idealized soil, foundation and interface behavior - Elastic models of soil behavior; Elastic-plastic and time dependent behavior of soil - Beams and plates on elastic foundation; numerical analysis of beams and plates resting on elastic foundation - Reinforced Earth : Geotechnical properties of reinforced soil, shallow foundation on soil with reinforcement, retaining walls with reinforcements, design considerations.

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