Overview The course covers the basic aspects of Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Spectacular failures that triggered the birth of fracture mechanics, Modes of loading, Classification as LEFM and EPFM, Crack growth and fracture mechanisms, Energy release rate, Resistance, Griffith Theory of fracture,
41 Lessons
35:12:45 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction, radiation from a black body: Introduction to three modes of heat transfer- conduction, convection and radiation. Importance of radiation, Mechanism of radiation,Electromagnetic spectrum. Concept of black body, derivation of black body radiation laws from first principles Planck's law, Stefan Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law. Universal black body function, F function charts.
46 Lessons
37:31:53 Hours
Overview Contents: Module-1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Principles of Conservation: Computational Fluid Dynamics: What, When, and Why?, CFD Applications, Numerical vs Analytical vs Experimental, Modeling vs Experimentation, Fundamental principles of conservation, Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of mass, Conservation of linear momentum: Navier-Stokes equation, Conservation of Energy, General scalar transport equation.
42 Lessons
40:39:31 Hours
Overview Module 1: Introduction Introduction to design and specifically system design. Morphology of design with a flow chart. Very brief discussion on market analysis, profit, time value of money, an example of discounted cash flow technique. Concept of workable design, practical example on workable system and optimal design.
40 Lessons
31:49:44 Hours
Overview Contents: Overview of experimental stress analysis, Stress analysis Analytical, Numerical and Experimental approaches, Specific domain of these approaches, Advantages and disadvantages. Optical methods work as optical computers, Direct information provided by various experimental methods brief description, Visual appreciation of field information Listing of various problems of different complexity.
40 Lessons
36:22:03 Hours
Overview This course introduces the concepts of the primary differences between an incompressible flow and compressible flow. It draws the connection between compressible flow and speed of sound, Mach Number and thermodynamics. It then builds on the governing equations to derive the commonly known equations and tackles both 2D and 3D problems.
40 Lessons
33:26:12 Hours
Overview CAD Applications: Engineering Products, analogy: documentation, Design Representation, FEM, Optimization, Software/AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop/I-DEAS - Solid Modeling: Representation of Solids - Solid Modeling: Topology - Solid Modeling: topology, wireframe modeling - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation, CSG, Operations: extrude, revolve, examples - Design of Curves: Representation, piecewise continuous, differential geometry of curves.
40 Lessons
34:23:34 Hours
Overview Contents: Background and Requirements : Introduction, Motion of bodies in space, parameters describing motion of bodies, frame of reference - Impulse, force, universal law for gravitational force, motion in rotating frame of reference, pseudo-centrifugal force - Orbits, orbit velocities, orbital period, geosynchronous and geostationary orbits, eccentricity and inclination, polar, sun-synchronous and other orbits - Energy requirements for orbit, escape velocity, orbital and suborbital flight, state of weightlessness under free fall.
40 Lessons
35:33:50 Hours
Overview Introduction : why do we need advanced machining processes (amps) - advanced machining processes - remarks - mechanical advanced machining processes : abrasive jet machining ( ajm ) - introduction - abrasive jet machining setup - gas propulsion system - abrasive feeder - machining chamber - ajm nozzle - abrasives,parametric analysis - stand-off-distance - abrasive flow rate - nozzle pressure - mixing ratio, process capabilities, applications,problems - ultrasonic machining ( usm ) : introduction - ultrasonic machining system - mechanics of cutting - parametric analysis - process capabilities - applications - problems - abrasive flow finishing : abrasive flow finishing,working principle,abrasive flow machining system - machine - tooling - media,process variables,process performance,analysis and modeling of abrasive flow machined surfaces - number of active grains - wear of,abrasive grains - applications - aerospace - dies and molds - review questions - magnetic abrasive finishing (maf) : introduction,working principle of maf,material removal (or stock removal) and surface finish - bonded and unbonded magnetic,abrasives - machining fluid - magnetic flux density,analysis,review questions - water jet cutting ( wjc ) : introduction,wjm machine,process characteristics,process
34 Lessons
29:20:40 Hours