Course description

performance,applications,bibliography,self test questions,review questions - abrasive water jet machining ( awjm ) : working principle,awjm machine - pumping system - abrasive feed system - abrasive jet nozzle - catcher,process characteristics,water - water jet pressure during slotting - water flow rate,abrasives - abrasive flow rate - abrasive particle size - abrasive material,cutting parameters - traverse speed - number of passes - stand-off-distance - visual examination,process capabilities,applications,review questions - thermoelectric advanced machining processes,electric discharge machining ( edm ) : introduction,working principle of edm,r-c pulse generator,edm machine - power supply - dielectric system - electrodes - servo system - electrode refeeding - power,delivered to the discharging circuit,cnc-edm,analysis - analysis of r-c circuits - current in discharging circuit - material removal in rc circuits - surface finish,process variables - dielectric pollution and its effects,process characteristics - gap cleaning,applications - electric discharge grinding ( edg ) and electric discharge diamond grinding (eddg) - electric discharge grinding : electrical discharge diamond grinding - working principle - capabilities and applications - wire electric discharge machining : working principle,wire edm machine - power supply system - dielectric system - positioning system - wire drive system,advances in wirecut,stratified wire,process variables,process characteristics,applications,problems,review questions - laser beam machining : production of lasers,working principle of laser beam machining,types of lasers - solid lasers - gas lasers,process characteristics,applications - drilling - cutting - marking - miscellaneous applications,review questions

Plasma arc machining : working principle,plasma arc cutting system,elements of a plasma arc cutting system,process performance,applications,review questions - electron beam machining : working principle,electron beam machining system - electron beam gun - power supply - vacuum system and machining,chamber,process parameters,characteristics of the process,applications,problems - focussed ion beam machining : working principle - fib machining system - parametric analysis - applications - problems - electrochemical and chemical advanced machining processes : electrochemical machining,introduction,electrolysis,electrochemical machining (ecm),ecm machine tool - power source - electrolyte supply and cleaning system - tool and tool feed system -workpiece and work holding device,advantages and limitations,applications,mechanical properties of ecm'd parts,theory of ecm - faraday's laws of electrolysis,electrochemical equivalent of alloys - material removal rate in ecm - inter-electrode gap in ecm - zero feed rate - finite feed rate - self regulating feature - generalized equation for inter-electrode gap,maximum permissible feed rate in ecm,electrolyte conductivity (k) - temperature - hydrogen bubbles,problems - electrochemical grinding : introduction,ecg machine tool,process characteristics,applications,review problems - electrostream drilling : introduction,process performance,bibliography,review questions - electrochemical deburring : introduction - definition of burr - types of burrs - basic approach on deburring,classification of deburring processes,electrochemical deburring (ecde) - principle of working,applications,specific features of ecde machine,review questions - shaped tube electrolytic machining : introduction - working principle - applications - chemical machining ( chm ) : introduction,maskants - cut and peel - screen printing - photo-resist mask-ant,etchant,advantages and limitations,review questions - anode shape prediction and tool design for ecm processes :introduction,anode shape prediction - cosθ method - empirical approach - nomographic approach - numerical,approach - numerical methods,tool (cathode) design for ecm process,cosθ method,correction factor method,some exercises

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