Overview Contents: Single Mass Rotors - Gyroscopic Effects in Rotors - Torsional Vibrations - Transverse Vibrations - Bearings - Balancing of Rotors
42 Lessons
36:48:17 Hours
Overview Introduction to process fluid mechanics; Dimensions and units; SI units - Fundamental concepts: Definition of a fluid; Continuum hypothesis; Velocity field;Stress field; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids - Fluid statics: pressure variation in a static fluid, hydrostatic forces on submerged surfaces, buoyancy; Illustration by examples
40 Lessons
36:30:55 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Evolution of welding; classification of welding processes; heat sources and shielding methods. Physics of Welding Arc : Welding arc; voltage distribution along the arc; thermionic and non-thermionic cathodes; theories of cathode and anode mechanism; arc characteristics and its relationship with power source; arc efficiency; heat generation; effect of type of shielding gas on arc; isotherms of arcs.
40 Lessons
35:48:56 Hours
Overview Introduction to BioMEMS and Microsystems technology : Biochips/ biosensors and introduction to device fabrication, Introduction to Cell biology,DNA & Protein chemistry, Microfluidics,Biochip Sensors & detection methods,Potential of Micro-fluidics and introductory continuum mechanics at small scales, Microarrays and Lab-on-chip devices, Introduction to MEMS Design - Micro-fluidics : Continuum mechanics at small scales,Basics of micro-fluidics,Gas Flows,Liquid flows,Boundary conditions,low Reynold's s no. flows,Entrance effects, surface tension,Electro-kinetic techniques like electrophoresis,Electro-osmosis and dielectrophoresis,Micro-fluidics for internal flow control (micro-pumps and micro-valves, device building and characterization),Micromixer design and characterization, Micro-fluidics for life sciences and chemistry - Microsystems-fabrication processes : Review of basic fabrication processes for silicon,Introduction to microelectronic fabrication,Optical lithography,Photo-resists,Non optical lithography techniques,LIGA processes,Design Considerations,Vacuum science and plasmas,Etching techniques,Physical vapor deposition (evaporation and sputtering),Chemical vapor deposition Review of basic fabrication processes for polymers
38 Lessons
36:16:05 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction - Mechanical vibration: Linear nonlinear systems, types of forces and responses - Conservative and non conservative systems, equilibrium points, qualitative analysis, potential well, centre, focus, saddle-point, cusp point - Commonly observed nonlinear phenomena: multiple response, bifurcations, and jump phenomena.
40 Lessons
36:33:22 Hours
Overview Historical Perspective - Emerging of MEMS - Emergence of BioMEMS - Micro/ Nano-systems - On Size and Scale! - Silicon MEMS examples - Examples of Microsystems in Biology - Bio-Micro/ Nano-systems and technology - Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing processes - History of Machining - Machining Accuracies
46 Lessons
36:34:27 Hours
Overview Introduction to Fluid Machines - Energy Transfer in Fluid Machines - Energy Transfer - impulse and Reaction Machines, efficiencies of Fluid Machines - Principles of Similarity in Fluid Machines - Concept of specific speed and introduction to Impulse Hydraulic Turbine - Analysis of force on the Bucket of Pelton wheel and Power Generation
48 Lessons
41:19:07 Hours
Overview Introduction - Maintenance Principles - Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis - Basics of Machinery Vibration - Engineering Applications of Vibration - Rotordynamics - Time Domain Signal Analysis - Frequency Domain Signal Analysis - Computer Aided Data Acquisition - FFT Analysis - Modulation and Sidebands
39 Lessons
33:59:19 Hours
Overview Arc tangents to lines and arcs - Line and angle bisectors - Line and angle trisectors - Polygons - Construction of ellipse: Concentric circles pentagon
34 Lessons
27:59:54 Hours