Overview Contents: Physical Problems in one-dimension - Continuous States - Analyzing the Solutions - Are continuous states physical - A Gaussian Wave Packet - Calculating our wave packet - Solving the Schrdinger Equ-Description of Plane Waves - Probability Current Density - Calculating R and T- Explaining Quantum Behavior - Particle-like gets stopped - The strange evanescent wave - Deriving discrete energy value - What is zero-point energy? - Unusual probability densities - The scattering problem
32 Lessons
04:41:13 Hours
Overview Introduction and Linear Programming - Revised Simplex Algorithm-Simplex Method for Bounded Variables - One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem - Dantzig - Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm
35 Lessons
32:19:23 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction and Fundamental Concepts - Zeroth Law and Fundamental Concepts - Different Kind of Energy and First Low-I
32 Lessons
30:29:43 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction&Some Definitions - First Law of Thermodynamics(Closed System) - Second Law of Thermodynamics - Property of Pure Substance, Steam Table
27 Lessons
23:50:58 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction: Overview of the course, practical applications and research trends,Harmonic and periodic motions, vibration terminology.
37 Lessons
36:36:08 Hours
Overview Introduction Processes and Variation Framework - Semiconductor Process Variation - Mechanical Process Variation - Probability Models of Manufacturing Processes - Probability Models, Parameter Estimation, and Sampling - Sampling Distributions and Statistical Hypotheses
22 Lessons
30:15:40 Hours
Overview The course covers the basic aspects of Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Spectacular failures that triggered the birth of fracture mechanics, Modes of loading, Classification as LEFM and EPFM, Crack growth and fracture mechanisms, Energy release rate, Resistance, Griffith Theory of fracture,
41 Lessons
35:12:45 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction, radiation from a black body: Introduction to three modes of heat transfer- conduction, convection and radiation. Importance of radiation, Mechanism of radiation,Electromagnetic spectrum. Concept of black body, derivation of black body radiation laws from first principles Planck's law, Stefan Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law. Universal black body function, F function charts.
46 Lessons
37:31:53 Hours
Overview Contents: Module-1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Principles of Conservation: Computational Fluid Dynamics: What, When, and Why?, CFD Applications, Numerical vs Analytical vs Experimental, Modeling vs Experimentation, Fundamental principles of conservation, Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of mass, Conservation of linear momentum: Navier-Stokes equation, Conservation of Energy, General scalar transport equation.
42 Lessons
40:39:31 Hours