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Course description

Time Domain Based Identification:State space based identification - State space analysis of systems - State space based identification of systems - Identification of simple systems - Identification of FOPDT model - Identification of second order plus dead time model - Identification of SOPDT model - Steady state gain from asymmetrical relay test - Identification of SOPDT model with pole multiplicity - Existence of limit cycle for unstable system - Identification procedures - Identification of underdamped systems - Off-line identification of TITO systems - On-line identification of TITO systems - Review of time domain based identification - DF based analytical expressions for on-line identification - Model parameter accuracy and sensitivity - Improved identification using Fourier series and wavelet transform - Reviews of DF based identification;Design of Controllers:Advanced Smith predictor controller - Design of controllers for the advanced Smith predictor - Model-free controller design - Model based PID controller design - Model based PI-PD controller design - Tuning of reconfigurable PID controllers

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