Overview Introduction, review of concepts, terminology - Wave equation (1-D, 3D, spherical 1D) and its solutions
35 Lessons
29:03:55 Hours
Surface coating means a fluid, semifluid, or other material, with or without a suspension of finely divided coloring matter, that changes to a solid film when a thin layer is applied to a metal, wood, stone, paper, leather, cloth, plastic, or other surface.
40 Lessons
39:12:37 Hours
Structural vibration occurs when dynamic forces generated by compressors, pumps, and engines cause the deck beams to vibrate. This vibration leads to piping failures, poor equipment reliability, and safety concerns. The vibration is due to the structure being mechanically resonant.
40 Lessons
37:28:04 Hours
Overview Introduction:Origin, Definition, Benefits, Challenges, Commercial activities, Physics of miniaturization, Scaling laws;Micro-scale fluid mechanics:Intermolecular forces, States of matter, Continuum assumption, Governing equations, Constitutive relations - Gas and liquid flows, Boundary conditions, Slip theory, Transition to turbulence, Low Re flows, Entrance effects - Exact solutions, Couette flow, Poiseuille flow, Stokes drag on a sphere, Time-dependent flows, Two-phase flows, Thermal transfer in microchannels - Hydraulic resistance and Circuit analysis, Straight channel of different cross-sections, Channels in series and parallel;Capillary flows:Surface tension and interfacial energy, Young-Laplace equation, Contact angle, Capillary length and capillary rise, Interfacial boundary conditions, Marangoni effect;Electrokinetics:Electrohydrodynamics fundamentals
41 Lessons
34:26:26 Hours
Overview Energy and Dependence on External Sources and Sun, Physical Descriptions and Reactions - Sun - Earth Geometry - Terminology Extra - Terrestrial Radiation Terrestria Radiation - Measuring Instruments - Estimation of Solar Radiation or Details - Radiation Processing - Long Term - Evaluation of the Apparent Sunrise and Sunset Angles
43 Lessons
37:28:18 Hours
Overview Introduction and Fundamental Concepts - Fluid Statics - Kinematics of Fluid - Conservation Equations in Fluid Flow - Fluid Flow Applications
48 Lessons
41:07:33 Hours
Overview Definition of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:History of Refrigeration and Air conditioning:History from conceptual point of view:Ice production by nocturnal cooling in ancient India and application of evaporative cooling in India. Use of natural ice, ice houses and ice trade - Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems - Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems - Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems - Miscellaneous Systems (Vapour Jet Refrigeration Systems,Thermoelectric systems, Vortex tube systems, Intermittent-Solar Refrigeration Systems, Combined Cycles) - History from Refrigerant development Point of View
46 Lessons
45:35:27 Hours
Overview Introductory Concepts - Viscosity - Surface Tension and Fluid Statics - Fluid Under Rigid Body Motion - Fluid Kinematics
50 Lessons
48:41:15 Hours
Overview Governing Equations: Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations and their derivations in different coordinate systems, Boundary layer Approximations to momentum and energy - Laminar External flow and heat transfer: (a) Similarity solutions for flat plate (Blasius solution), flows with pressure gradient (Falkner-Skan and Eckert solutions), and flow with transpiration, (b) Integral method solutions for flow over an isothermal flat plate, flat plate with constant heat flux and with varying surface temperature (Duhamels method), flows with pressure gradient (von Karman-Pohlhausen method)
34 Lessons
27:32:09 Hours