Overview Introduction to Fluid Machines - Energy Transfer in Fluid Machines - Energy Transfer - impulse and Reaction Machines, efficiencies of Fluid Machines - Principles of Similarity in Fluid Machines - Concept of specific speed and introduction to Impulse Hydraulic Turbine - Analysis of force on the Bucket of Pelton wheel and Power Generation
48 Lessons
41:19:07 Hours
Overview Introduction - Maintenance Principles - Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis - Basics of Machinery Vibration - Engineering Applications of Vibration - Rotordynamics - Time Domain Signal Analysis - Frequency Domain Signal Analysis - Computer Aided Data Acquisition - FFT Analysis - Modulation and Sidebands
39 Lessons
33:59:19 Hours
Overview Arc tangents to lines and arcs - Line and angle bisectors - Line and angle trisectors - Polygons - Construction of ellipse: Concentric circles pentagon
34 Lessons
27:59:54 Hours
Overview Introduction - Internal Energy Enthalpy - Crystal Geometry - Crystal Structure - Close Packing of Spheres of Equal Size - Structure of Solid Materials
35 Lessons
33:09:47 Hours
Overview Introduction to Microfluidics - Microfluidics: Some More Application Examples - Equations of Conservation - Navier Stokes Equation - Energy Equation and Species Conservation Equation - Pressure driven Microflows - Some Examples of Unsteady Flows
48 Lessons
45:46:13 Hours
Overview Basic Concepts: Review of free and forced vibrations with and without damping; Free and forced vibration of single, two and multi-degree of freedom systems with and without viscous damping - Basic Vibration Control: reduction at source, Active feedback control, vibration isolation - Vibration Generation Mechanism: Vibration generation mechanisms: Source classification, self excited vibration, flow induced vibration, field balancing of rigid rotors/flexible rotors and damping models and measures, Design consideration of material selection.
40 Lessons
32:18:55 Hours
Overview Introduction: Classification of engineering materials and processing techniques, structure and properties of non-metals - Glass structure and properties, glass melting and forming, glass annealing - Classification of ceramics: crystal structures and properties, ceramic powder preparation, Synthesis of ceramic powders, fabrication of ceramic products from powders: pressing, casting, vapour phase techniques, sintering, finishing, machining. ceramic coatings - Structure and mechanical properties of plastics, thermoplastics and thermosets, Processing of Plastics: Extrusion. Injection moulding. Thermoforming. Compression moulding. Transfer moulding. General behavior of polymer melts, Machining of plastics
41 Lessons
33:55:12 Hours
Advanced manufacturing is the use of innovative technology to improve products or processes, with the relevant technology being described as "advanced," "innovative," or "cutting edge." Advanced manufacturing industries "increasingly integrate new innovative technologies in both products and processes.
46 Lessons
36:34:27 Hours
Overview Introduction : Basic spray processes, Factors controlling spray formation - Drop size and velocity distribution functions : Number distributions, Mass/volume distributions, Empirical distributions, Theoretical distributions - Sheet and ligament breakup : Instability analyses for ligaments and sheets, Design models based on instability analyses - Drop formation : Static and dynamic force balances, Continuity considerations, Secondary atomization, Collisions and coalescence - Drop motion and spray-surroundings interactions : Steady trajectories (gas turbines, spray cooling, paint sprays), Entrainment.
41 Lessons
32:28:06 Hours