Overview Introduction to Linear Programming Formulations - Linear Programming Solutions - Graphical Methods,Simplex Algorithm
22 Lessons
20:43:32 Hours
Overview Introduction, Heat Conduction, Thermal Radiation, Fluid Mechanics, Natural and Forced Convection, Heat Exchangers, Boiling and Condensation, Introduction to Mass Transfer.
35 Lessons
31:10:22 Hours
Overview Production Planning and Control - Product Design & development-Statistical Process Control - Welding Process Classification - Brazing, Soldering and Braze Welding - Arc Welding Power Source - Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Submerged Arc Welding - Gas Metal Arc Welding - Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
40 Lessons
37:14:25 Hours
Overview Powder Metallurgy - Metal Forming - Fundamentals - Forging - Swaging & Wire Drawing
26 Lessons
23:53:34 Hours
Overview Contents: Instructional Objectives - On Tool Geometry - Interrelations Among The Tool Angles - Mechanism of Chip Formation - Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting
41 Lessons
39:36:25 Hours
Overview Introduction to the Study of Mechanical Measurement - Errors in Measurement -Propagation of Errors - Regression Analysis - Design of Experiments-Temperature Measurement - Overview of Thermometry - Thermoelectric Thermometry - Measurement of Temperature Under Various Condition - Errors in Temperature Measurement - Resistance Thermometry(Contd)and pyrometry - Pyrometry II-Pressure Measurement(Contd) - Measurement of High Vacuum-Measurement of Fluid Velocity
49 Lessons
47:50:51 Hours
Overview Overview, Project Management, Project Appraisal
41 Lessons
38:58:06 Hours
Overview Introduction to Robotics, Industrial Robots, Actuators
40 Lessons
38:23:17 Hours
Overview Crystallography; Crystalline Structure and Geometry; Translation, Rotation and Periodicity
39 Lessons
30:40:37 Hours