Overview Stress and strains in 3d - straction vector - planes of maximum shear stress - tensosrs - hydrostatic&deviatoric stress - relative displacement&rotation tensors-equilibrium equns in 2-d polar coords - shrink fit stress
40 Lessons
36:59:51 Hours
Overview Introduction - intial value problems of mathematical physics - element calculation-post process - advantages&problems
38 Lessons
35:09:53 Hours
Overview Computational methods in design and manufacturing - Application of finite element analysis - Basis of finite element analysis - Stiffness Matrix - Surface forces and Body forces - Difference between stress vector and stress tensor
33 Lessons
27:51:53 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction - transfering and transforming motion and force - kinematics - number synthesis - grubler formation - motion transfer links
39 Lessons
30:19:16 Hours
Overview Introduction to basic of Mechanical Measurements - Three Groups Of Instruments - Details of Signals - Threshold And Its Examples - Sources of Error - Gear meshing - Field of measurements,Loading Effect - Rotational Error - Computing the error
26 Lessons
19:28:02 Hours
Overview Solid Mechanics - Analysis of stress and strain - Analysis of stress continued - Analysis of stress continued - Shear Stress - Graphical Solution Mohrs Stress Circle - Illustrative Problem - Analysis of Strain - Principles of Strain - Stress Strain Relations - Elastic Constants (Relation b/w E,K and U) - Uniaxial Tension Test - Conditions affecting mechanical properties - Members subjected to Uniaxial stress - Thermal Stress - Members subjected to Axisymmetric Loads - Change in dimensions - Generation of shear stress
40 Lessons
36:05:20 Hours
Overview Introduction, Raster Graphics, Polygon Filling, Windowing and Clipping, 2D Transformations
39 Lessons
30:45:09 Hours
Overview Design and Manufacturing, Engineering Materials, Simple Stresses and Compound Stresses in Machine Elements
40 Lessons
39:31:44 Hours
Overview Rigid Body Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion, Gyroscopic Action in Machines, Rotary Balancing, Single
42 Lessons
36:51:48 Hours