Overview Water and Wastewater Quantity Estimation - Population forecast; Water demand for various purposes; Estimation of wastewater quantity; Variation in quantity of water and wastewater - Water Supply/Distribution Systems - Wastewater Collection Systems - Water/Wastewater Quality Enhancement - Philosophy of treatment; Unit operations and processes;
37 Lessons
35:55:27 Hours
Overview Introduction:Need for Ground Improvement, Different types of problematic soils, Emerging trends in ground Improvement - Mechanical stabilization:Shallow and deep compaction requirements, Principles and methods of soil compaction, Shallow compaction and methods - Properties of compacted soil and compaction control, Deep compaction and Vibratory methods Dynamic compaction
40 Lessons
36:28:37 Hours
Overview Introduction and course overview - Constituents of concrete - Admixtures in concrete - mineral and chemical - Hydration of cement - Basic properties of concrete - Proportioning of concrete mixes - Pores and porosity in concrete - Porosimetry
40 Lessons
32:27:22 Hours
Overview Introduction to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering:Scope and objective; Nature and types of earthquake loading; Importance of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering;Basics of Vibration theory:Concept of dynamic load, Earthquake load, Single degree of freedom system, Multiple degree of freedom system, Free and forced vibrations, Damped and undamped systems, Equation of Motion, Response spectra;Engineering Seismology
43 Lessons
39:59:28 Hours
Overview INTRODUCTION: Ground water utilization & historical background, ground water in hydrologic cycle, ground water budget, ground water level fluctuations & environmental influence, literature/ data/ internet resources;OCCURRENCE AND MOVEMENT OF GROUND WATER:
40 Lessons
36:27:14 Hours
Overview Basics:Prologue Introduction to the course - Science, Engineering and Technology of Materials;Microstructure:Atomic Bonding - Structure of Solids - Movement of Atoms - Development of Microstructure;Material Behaviour:Surface Properties
20 Lessons
14:11:16 Hours
Overview Urban transportation is an important issue in developing countries such as India. Transportation impact various aspects such as mobility, health of residents, economic and energy aspects in an Urban area.
50 Lessons
28:38:32 Hours
Overview This course intends to bridge the basic soil mechanics concepts with the advanced topics related to stresses and soil strength.
50 Lessons
24:54:58 Hours
Overview Plates and shells exhibit two dimensional structural actions that result in stronger, thinner and lighter structures and therefore, have economic advantage.
37 Lessons
37:15:51 Hours