Course description

Welding Power Sources : Conventional welding power sources; constructional features; static and dynamic characteristics; duty cycle; influence of inductance on arc and power source characteristics; internal and external regulation; specific power source requirements; special welding power sources.
Arc Welding Processes : Consumable electrode welding processes. Manual metal arc (MMA) welding; Gas metal arc welding; pulsed MIG welding; Submerged arc welding, Significance of flux-metal combination; Electroslag welding: heat generation; principle; Gas tungsten arc welding; selection of polarity, Plasma arc welding; transferred and nontransferred plasma arc welding; selection of gases; welding parameters; keyhole technique.

Heat flow in welding : Effect of welding parameter on heat distribution; calculation of peak temperatures; thermal cycles; cooling rate and solidification; Residual stresses and their distribution in welds; influence of residual stresses in static and dynamic loading, distortion
Design of weld joints : Introduction to design; engineering properties of steels; Type of welds and weld joints; description of welds: terminology, definitions and weld symbols; edge preparation; sizing of welds in structure; Design for Static loading, Weld Calculations in lap, butt and fillet welds; design for fatigue loading, Introduction to Fatigue; nature of the fatigue process; fatigue strength; factors affecting fatigue life; improvement methods for fatigue strength; reliability analysis and safety factors applied to fatigue design.

Testing and inspection of weld joints : Chemical tests; Metallographic tests; Hardness tests; Mechanical test for groove and fillet welds-full section, reduced section and all-weld- metal tensile tests, root, face and side bend tests, fillet weld break tests, creep & fatigue testing. Non-Destructive Testing of Weldments; Visual inspection; Dye-penetrant inspection; Magnetic particle inspection; Ultrasonic inspection-principle of ultrasonic testing, Radiographic inspection principle of radiography, X-ray tubes, gamma-ray sources, defect discernibility; Eddy current inspection; Leak tests: N.D.T. Standard procedure for specification and qualification of welding procedure; WPS and PQR, WPQ

Weldability of metals : Solidification of weld metal; heat affected zone (HAZ), factors affecting properties of HAZ; gas-metal, slag-metal and solid state reactions in welding and their influence on soundness of weld joint; lamellar tearing and hydrogen damage; weldability; definition, factor affecting the weldability of steel Carbon equivalent. weldablity of steel, cast iron and aluminium alloys of commercial importance, failure analysis of welded joints.

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