Course description

Integrated Circuit

An integrated circuit is electronic circuit or device that has electronic components on a small semiconductor chip. It has functionality of logic AND or amplifying of a signal. These are mainly two types of circuits: Digital or Analog. Analog ICs handle continuous signals such as audio signals and Digital ICs handle discrete signals such as binary values.

Types of Integrated Circuits

There are different types of integrated circuits based various criteria. Based on intended application, the Integrated Circuit (IC) can be classified as following:

  • Digital Integrated Circuits handle discrete signals such as binary values (0 and 1). These circuits use digital logic gates, multiplexers, flip flops etc.These circuits are easier to design and economical.

  • Analog Integrated Circuits handle contiguous signals. These are two types: linear integrated circuits (Linear ICs) and Radio frequency integrated circuits (RF ICs).

  • Mixed Integrated Circuits are obtained by the combination of analog and digital integrated circuits. Therefore it have digital to analog (A/D) converter, digital to analog (D/A) converter, and clock/timing integrated circuits.

General types of integrated circuits are as following: Comparators, Switching IC, Audio amplifiers, Operational amplifiers, Timers ICs.

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