Course description

Network sensitivity - low sensitivity of doubly terminated ladders,Introduction to frequency transformations,Frequency (reactance) transformations (contd) - properties of the driving impedance of lossless LC networks- Tellegen's theorem and positive real functions,Driving point impedance of LC networks (contd), Low Pass-to-Low Pass, Low Pass-to-Band Pass, Low Pass-to-High Pass and Low Pass-to-Band Stop transformations,The Richard's Transformation, RC-CR transformation,Emulation of an inductor with a capacitor and controlled sources, the gyrator, a second order transconductor capacitor filter.

Cascade of biquads realization of high order low pass filters, equivalence of the parallel RLC and series RLC circuits with their Gm-C counterparts,The idea of Dynamic Range in active filters - impedance scaling and its effect on dynamic range,Introduction to noise in electrical networks,Introduction to noise in electrical networks (contd), the idea of node scaling,Dynamic range scaling in active filters. Lecture 21 - Biquad Ordering,Active Ladder Emulation / Leapfrog Filters, Effect of Transconductor nonidelaities (parasitic capacitance/output resistance),Effect of Transconductor Nonidealities (contd) - parasitic poles,Viewing the Gm-C biquad as a Double Integrator Loop, Revisiting the Effect of Finite Gain of the Transconductors,

Single-ended Versus Differential Filters, Introducing the Differential-pair Based Fully Differential Transconductor, the Need for Common-mode Feedback,Common-mode Feedback (continued) Common-mode Feedback (continued), examples of Common-mode Detectors,Stability of the Common-mode Feedback Loop,Common-mode Positive Feedback in Gyrators,Common-mode Positive Feedback in Gyrators (contd), Noise in the Differential Pair,Noise in the Differential Pair (contd), Linearity of the Differential Pair, Cascoding to Improve Output Impedance,Noise in Cascodes, Layout Considerations and Multi-finger Transistors. Lecture 33 - Linearizing the Differential Pair, Resistive Degeneration,

Noise in Degenerated Transconductors, The Folded Cascode and Noise Analysis Lecture 35 - Stabilizing filter bandwidth over process and temperature - the resistor servo loop, master-slave loops,Turning the filter into a VCO to estimate center frequency, example of a practical precision fixed-gm bias circuit,Introduction to accurate measurement and characterization techniques for active filters,Introduction to Active-RC filters,Active-RC filters (contd), the use of an OTA instead of an opamp, swing and noise considerations, single stage OTAs,Multistage OTAs for use in CMOS Active-RC filters,The Miller compensated opamp in active-RC filters, noise considerations,noise in active-RC filters,Distortion and Intermodulation in filters, miscellaneous discussion on fixed gm-bias circuits

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