10 Lessons
00:06:24 Hours
Introduction to structured query language with my sql. Installing my sql and getting started, datatypes in my sql are explained in detail.
16 Lessons
06:15:55 Hours
How websites work - what is server and client - Front end vs back end - technologies used in front and back end - static and dynamic websites
12 Lessons
03:27:23 Hours
1. Review of Thermodynamic Principles 2. Thermodynamic Property Relations 3. Properties of Pure Substances
21 Lessons
21:01:32 Hours
Overview Introduction:Course mechanics - Goals and VR definitions - Historical perspective - Birds-eye view (general) - Birds-eye view (hardware) - Birds-eye view (software) - Birds-eye view (sensation and perception) Geometry of Virtual Worlds:Geometric modeling - Transforming models - Matrix algebra and 2D rotations - 3D rotations and yaw, pitch, and roll - Axis-angle representations - Quaternions - Converting and multiplying rotations - Homogeneous transforms - The chain of viewing transforms - Eye transforms - Canonical view transform - Viewport transform Light and Optics:Three interpretations of light - Refraction - Simple lenses - Diopters - Imaging properties of lenses - Lens aberrations - Optical system of eyes
50 Lessons
13:50:03 Hours
Overview CS 224 is an advanced course in algorithm design, and topics we will cover include the word RAM model, data structures, amortization, online algorithms, linear programming, semidefinite programming, approximation algorithms, hashing, randomized algorithms, fast exponential time algorithms, graph algorithms, and computational geometry.
25 Lessons
35:28:15 Hours
Overview This course,15-445/645 Intro to Database Systems, is on the design and implementation of database management systems. Topics include data models (relational, document, key/value), storage models (n-ary, decomposition), query languages (SQL, stored procedures), storage architectures (heaps, log-structured), indexing (order preserving trees, hash tables), transaction processing (ACID, concurrency control), recovery (logging, checkpoints), query processing (joins, sorting, aggregation, optimization), and parallel architectures (multi-core, distributed). Case studies on open-source and commercial database systems will be used to illustrate these techniques and trade-offs.
26 Lessons
30:36:45 Hours
Overview This course is a comprehensive study of the internals of modern database management systems. It will cover the core concepts and fundamentals of the components that are used in both high-performance transaction processing systems (OLTP) and large-scale analytical systems (OLAP). The class will stress both efficiency and correctness of the implementation of these ideas. All class projects will be in the context of a real in-memory, multi-core database system. The course is appropriate for graduate students in software systems and for advanced undergraduates with dirty systems programming skills.
25 Lessons
31:14:03 Hours
Overview Let's get real and talk about hardware acceleration for database management systems. We are flexing hard with another season of database technical talks at Carnegie Mellon University in Fall 2018. The "Hardware Accelerated Database Lectures" is a semester-long seminar series featuring speakers from the leading developers of DBMSs designed to exploit modern computational and storage hardware. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers.
6 Lessons
06:05:46 Hours