Overview Apache Mahout Tutorial - Machine Learning with Mahout - Introduction to Apache Mahout - What is Mahout ? - Mahout Overview - Machine Learning Use cases - Classification of Apache Mahout - Mahout Machine Learning - Learning Techniques in Mahout - Supervised Learning Technique In Mahout - Introduction to Recommendation Systems - Introduction to Pearsons Correlation - Understanding Distance Measures in Apache Mahout - Understanding Euclidean Distance & Cosine Similarities in Mahout - Tanimoto Coefficient - Understanding Basics of Clustering - Introduction to Clustering in Mahout - Clustering Algorithms - ClickStream Analytics in Mahout - Introduction to Fuzzy K Means - Collaborative Filtering Framework - Similarities Metrics in Mahout - Introduction to Myrrix and Oryx - What is Canopy Clustering | Canopy Clustering in Mahout - What is Topic Model | Understanding LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) - Introduction to Clustering Techniques - Understanding Apriori Algorithm - Apriori Algorithm Using Mahout - Mahout Clustering - Mahout Clustering Tutorial - Apache Mahout Clustering - Mahout Overview - Mahout Machine Learning - Mahout Use Cases - Apache Mahout Tutorial
28 Lessons
13:36:14 Hours
Overview Cognos is IBM's business intelligent tool to help non technical professionals to analyse the user data & making sense of the data for the future decisions and growth.
25 Lessons
10:07:51 Hours
Overview Introduction to operating system - process management - concurrent management - critical section problem - deadlock - memory mangement - cache memory - secondary storage - buffer cache - file represenation - file system architecture - introduction to distributed file system
31 Lessons
24:39:44 Hours
Overview Getting Started - Linux Networking Commands - Enabling Monitor Mode - Sniffing Traffic - Sniffing from the Command Line - macchanger and Targeted Sniffing - Deauthentication / Deauth Attacks - WPA / WPA2 Password Recovery Overview - WPA / WPA2 Password Recovery Demonstration - How to Protect Against Dictionary Attacks - Using Pyrit to Speed Up Password Recovery - Reaver for WPS Pin Recovery - Hydra for Router Login - Whats is DNS Spoofing and MITM Attacks? - DNS Spoofing and MITM Attack Demo - How to Defend Against MITM Attacks - Fake Access Point Prevention
18 Lessons
02:11:47 Hours
Overview Basic questions, black & white box - Exercise to test physical objects - Failures that cause huge loss - what is tested - who tests, when and where to test - SDLC RFP Phase - SDLC Proposal to Contract - SDLC Requirements phase - SDLC UI, DB, API design - SDLC Logic design - SDLC Coding, Unit & Integration Testing - SDLC System Testing Phase - SDLC UAT - SDLC Deployment Testing - SDLC Maintenance Phase - Waterfall Model - Incremental Model - Spiral, Agile, Prototyping Models - Understand Specs and get clarifications - Test Strategy - Detailed Test Plan - Peer Review - Detailed Test Cases - Test Case Coverage - Test Bed Setup - Installation Testing - Build Verification Tests - Build Acceptance Tests, Bug reporting - Bug Cycle - Test Analysis
30 Lessons
07:03:44 Hours
Overview DB Concepts - SQL Concepts - Table Creation Inserting Records Null Values - Fetch Data Ordering Data - DML Commands and DDL Commands - DCL Commands and TCL Commands - Operators - Data Integrity Constraints Key & Domain Constraints - User Friendly Names for Constraints - Referential Integrity Constraints - Set Operators - Cross Join and Equi join - Equi Join and Inner Join - Self Join - Outer Join - Sub Queries Single and Multi Row - Sub Queries Correlated Sub Queries - Oracle Views - Types of Views - Indexes - Sequences and Synonyms - PL SQL Introduction - PL SQL Anonymous Blocks - Stored Procedures - PLSQL Functions - Procedures and Functions - Type Compatibility Keywords % Type and % Row Type - PL SQL Conditional Statements - PL SQL LOOPS - PL SQL Cursors - PL SQL Implicit Cursors - PL SQL Explicit Cursors - PL SQL Exceptions - PL SQL Triggers - PL SQL Packages
21 Lessons
06:00:42 Hours
26 Lessons
05:28:36 Hours
61 Lessons
10:28:42 Hours
32 Lessons
09:33:59 Hours