Overview Introduction To Computing - Software -Hardware - Processor Activities - Processor As a State Machine - Data Path Architecture
33 Lessons
28:42:39 Hours
Overview Introductory Concepts - Databases and Information Systems, An example usage context, Database system concepts and architecture
43 Lessons
40:17:06 Hours
Overview Overview - Framework for Algorithms Analysis - Asymptotic Notation - Algorithm Design Techniques:Basics - Divide And Conquer
33 Lessons
29:30:13 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Robotics - Spatial Descriptions - Homogeneous Transform Interpretations - Manipulator Kinematics - Summary - Frame Attachment
16 Lessons
18:47:57 Hours
Overview Introduction - Overview of Phases - Requirements Engineering / Specification - Formal Specification - Algebraic Specification Methods
38 Lessons
35:14:30 Hours
Overview Digital Computer Organization, CPU Design, Timing and Control, Micro-programmed Control, Pipeline Concept, Pipeline CPU, Memory Organization, Cache Memory Architecture, RAM Architecture, DAM Architecture Buffer Cache and Secondary Storage Organization.
28 Lessons
20:47:51 Hours
Overview Introduction, Digital Logic, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Function Minimization, Design of Combinational Circuits, Logic Design with PLA, Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design, Finite State Machine Design, Programmable Logic Devices, Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU.
40 Lessons
39:55:56 Hours
Overview Introduction-Operators and operands; statements; branching, conditionals, and iteration-Common code patterns: iterative programs
24 Lessons
19:48:58 Hours
Overview Overview and Introduction to Lisp - Procedures and Processes; Substitution Model - Higher-order Procedures - Compound Data - Henderson Escher Example - Symbolic Differentiation; Quotation - Pattern Matching and Rule-based Substitution - Generic Operators - Assignment, State, and Side-effect - Computational Objects - Streams - Metacircular Evaluator - Logic Programming - Register Machines - Compilation - Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection
20 Lessons
21:49:31 Hours