Overview Introduction - Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Merge sort - Asymptotic Notation | Recurrences | Substitution, Master Method - Divide-and-Conquer: Strassen, Fibonacci, Polynomial Multiplication- Quick sort, Randomized Algorithms
23 Lessons
30:05:12 Hours
Overview Introduction to programming languages - Syntax - Grammars - Ambiguity - PLO:Syntax - Semantics - Syntatic Classes - Transition Systems
40 Lessons
35:02:22 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Computer Programming,Karel and Java - The History of Computing - Variables - Operators - The Loop and a Half Problem
28 Lessons
22:17:17 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Computer Science Series at Stanford - Similarity between C++ & Java:syntax - variable types - operators - control structures-C++ Libraries - Standard Libraries - C++ Console I/O-Client Use of Templates - More Containers - Seeing Functions as Data: Specific Plot Functions - Common Mistakes Stumbled Upon -Thinking Recursively -Refresh: Permute Code - Backtracking Pseudocode
27 Lessons
21:02:10 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Programming Paradigms Course - Data Types - Interpretations - Converting Between Types of Different Sizes and Bit Representations Using Pointers - Creating a Generic Swap Function for Data Types of Arbitrary Size
27 Lessons
22:27:07 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - problem Solving by Search - Searching with Costs - Informed State Space Search-Heuristic Search: A* and Beyond - Problem Reduction Search: AND/OR Graphs -Searching Game Trees - Knowledge Based Systems: Logic and Deduction - First Order Logic - Inference in First Order Logic - Resolution Refutation Proofs - Logic Programming : Pro log - Programming, Exercising Control - Additional Topics - Introduction to Planning - Partial Order Planning - GraphPLAN and SATPlan - SATPlan - Reasoning Under Uncer tinity - Bayesian Networks - Reasoning with Bayes Networks - Reasoning Under Uncertainity: Issues - Learning : Decision Trees-Learning : Neural Networks - Back Propagation Learning
28 Lessons
27:56:29 Hours
Overview Introduction, History of Computers, Instruction Set Architecture, Recursive Programs, Architecture Space and Examples, Performance, Binary Arithmetic, ALU Design, Multiplier, Divider Design, Floating Point Arithmetic, Processor Design, Pipelined Processor Design Basic Idea, Memory Hierarchy, Input/Output Subsystem.
38 Lessons
31:26:18 Hours
Overview Introduction to Computer Graphics:Overview of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Application and Software, Description of some graphics devices, Input Devices for Operator Interaction, Active and Passive Graphics Devices, Display Technologies
43 Lessons
40:09:15 Hours
Overview Emergence of Networks & Reference Models - network Topology-physical Medium - Multiplexing (Sharing a Medium) - Telecom Networks
40 Lessons
39:52:56 Hours