Microcontroller is a compressed micro computer manufactured to control the functions of embedded systems in office machines, robots, home appliances, motor vehicles, and a number of other gadgets. A microcontroller is comprises components like - memory, peripherals and most importantly a processor.
34 Lessons
28:32:00 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction - Introduction of Combinational Circuit Design - Combinational Circuit Design Using MSI Blocks - Combinational Circuit Using Multiple Module - Iterative Circuits - Logic Minimization Tabular Methods - Sequential Circuits: Definitions and Classification - Sequential Circuits: State Equivalance and Minimization - State Machine Synthesis - State Machine Implementation Using Registers & Counters
37 Lessons
26:43:45 Hours
Overview Contents: Course overview and introduction,The Butterworth approximation,The Chebyshev approximation,The Chebyshev approximation (contd),The Chebyshev approximation (contd), the Inverse Chebyshev approximation,The Inverse Chebyshev approximation (contd),Synthesis of doubly terminated all-pole LC ladders filters,Synthesis of doubly terminated LC ladders (contd),Synthesis of doubly terminated LC ladders with finite zeros of transmission.
42 Lessons
39:56:16 Hours
Lecture Details Introduction to RF Design, Tradeoffs, Fading and Diversity , limitations of RF circuit design,aniruddhan,iit madras,
36 Lessons
29:43:29 Hours
Overview Negative feedback systems and stability : Negative feedback amplifier using an integrator, Frequency and time domain behavior, Loop gain and its implications; Negative feedback amplifier realization - Finite DC gain; increasing DC gain
50 Lessons
42:23:13 Hours
Lecture Details Semiconductor Device Modeling by Prof. S. Karmalkar,Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.iitm.ac.in
38 Lessons
33:47:58 Hours
Overview Course introduction and overview - Distributed generation technologies - Distributed storage technologies - Distribution system protection - Circuit breaker coordination - Symmetrical component analysis and sequence excitation - Modeling of distribution system components
41 Lessons
37:19:57 Hours
Overview Revision of basic Digital systems - Combinational Circuits - Sequential Circuits - Timing- Electrical Characteristics - Power Dissipation,Current state of the field:SoC, IP Design, SoPC - Design methodology, System Modeling, Hardware-Software Co-design
44 Lessons
42:33:58 Hours
ecture Details Lecture Series on Electronic Design and Automation by Prof.I.Sengupta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.iitm.ac.in
35 Lessons
31:26:54 Hours