Overview Evolution of HVDC Transmission-Comparison of HVAC and HVDC systems-Type of HVDC Transmission systems-Components of HVDC transmission systems - Analysis of simple rectifier circuits - Required features of rectification circuits for HVDC transmission
37 Lessons
33:25:18 Hours
Overview Transformer and D.C rotating machine will be the main topics to be discussed in this course. Working principle of ideal transformer and its equivalent circuit referred to two sides. Analysis of practical transformer & its equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit referred to different sides and phasor diagram. Core loss and copper loss. Regulation & efficiency.
40 Lessons
36:22:29 Hours
Overview Contents: Wireless Communications and Diversity : Fast Fading Wireless Channel Modeling - Rayleigh/Ricean Fading Channels - BER Performance in Fading Channels - Diversity modeling for Wireless Communications - BER Performance Improvement with diversity - Types of Diversity Frequency, Time, Space Broadband Wireless Channel Modeling : WSSUS Channel Modeling, RMS Delay Spread - Doppler Fading, Jakes Model, Autocorrelation - Jakes Spectrum - Impact of Doppler Fading
40 Lessons
36:59:24 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction : Glimpses of Microsystems; scaling effects - Smart materials and systems: an overview - Microsensors: some examples - Microactuators: some examples - Microsystems: some examples - Examples of smart systems: structural health monitoring and vibration control
40 Lessons
37:52:43 Hours
Overview Generalized theory and Krons primitive machine model - Modeling of dc machines - Modeling of induction machine - Modeling of synchronous machine - Reference frame theory and per unit system - Control of Induction Motor Drive - Scalar control of induction motor
27 Lessons
25:11:58 Hours
Overview Introduction to control problem - Basic Feedback Structure - Introduction to Control Problem - Dynamic Systems and Dynamic Response
41 Lessons
35:14:45 Hours
Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLABĀ®, Third Edition continues to teach readers how to pose, numerically analyze, and solve EM problems, to give them the ability to expand their problem-solving skills using a variety of methods, and to prepare them for research in electromagnetism.
47 Lessons
03:12:35 Hours
Overview The goal of this course is to solidify and build upon a student's knowledge of computer organization by presenting hands-on experience with microcontrollers. Students will also examine a few sensors that are used in commercial and medical products and learn how to interface them in a microcontroller system.
29 Lessons
22:34:33 Hours
Overview Contents: Overview of electronic systems packaging : Introduction and Objectives of the course - Definition of a system and history of semiconductors - Products and levels of packaging - Packaging aspects of handheld products; Case studies in applications - Case Study (continued); Definition of PWB, summary and Questions for review
42 Lessons
40:52:33 Hours