Overview Overview, Project Management, Project Appraisal
41 Lessons
38:58:06 Hours
Overview Introduction to Robotics, Industrial Robots, Actuators
40 Lessons
38:23:17 Hours
Overview Crystallography; Crystalline Structure and Geometry; Translation, Rotation and Periodicity
39 Lessons
30:40:37 Hours
Overview Introduction - Potentials, Supercells, Relaxation, Methodology-Potentials for Organic Materials and Oxides - The Many-Body Problem - Hartree-Fock and DFT - Technical Aspects of Density Functional Theory - Case Studies of DFT
19 Lessons
24:36:08 Hours
Overview Contents: The Basic Equation of Pressure Field - Pressure Field Incompressible Fluid - Forces at a point for Basic Equation - Pressure at a point pt1-Shearing stress on disk
24 Lessons
03:47:29 Hours
Overview Contents: Theory of physical problems: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics - Time Evolution of a system - Time-Independent Schrdinger Equation "Square" Potentials-Bound States
14 Lessons
01:56:57 Hours
Overview Contents: Physical Problems in one-dimension - Continuous States - Analyzing the Solutions - Are continuous states physical - A Gaussian Wave Packet - Calculating our wave packet - Solving the Schrdinger Equ-Description of Plane Waves - Probability Current Density - Calculating R and T- Explaining Quantum Behavior - Particle-like gets stopped - The strange evanescent wave - Deriving discrete energy value - What is zero-point energy? - Unusual probability densities - The scattering problem
32 Lessons
04:41:13 Hours
Overview Introduction and Linear Programming - Revised Simplex Algorithm-Simplex Method for Bounded Variables - One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem - Dantzig - Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm
35 Lessons
32:19:23 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction and Fundamental Concepts - Zeroth Law and Fundamental Concepts - Different Kind of Energy and First Low-I
32 Lessons
30:29:43 Hours