Course description

Programming for Designers

What you'll learnIs this live event for you?Schedule
What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Learn how to write code to create visual systems; you’ll be able to draw lines and shapes, change fill and stroke colors, and define logical rules for simple interactivity
  • Gain basic knowledge of the possibilities and challenges of coding, making you a better member of collaborative, multidisciplinary teams
  • Add a skill that brings you closer to being a full-stack designer. As O’Reilly’s 2016 Design Salary Survey has shown, knowing even a little bit of code can have a big positive impact on your salary
This live event is for you because…
  • You’re a skilled designer, well-versed in design principles and practice, who wants to understand the basics of coding so you can automate repetitive tasks, explore more complex visual forms, and prototype interactive works

Learn to express your ideas in code with p5 and JavaScript

Designers who can code are in demand. Learn the basics of programming and add a valuable tool to your skill set.

Many experienced UX and UI designers feel limited by traditional tools, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch. Learning even a little bit of programming can eliminate a lot of the rote work involved in creating mock-ups and interface concepts, and those skills can help you communicate better with developers on your team. This course will help designers work more efficiently and effectively by learning to express their ideas in code, opening up a whole new realm of creative possibilities.

Over two days, in three-hour interactive sessions blending lectures, hands-on exercises, and Q&A—plus a little bit of homework—you’ll get an introduction to the fundamentals of programming using p5.js. This free and open source JavaScript-based language was created for artists and designers; p5 eschews jargon in favor of language you already know—like fill, stroke, hue, saturation, and brightness—making it friendly and accessible for designers learning about programming for the first time. Since p5 is all JavaScript, you’ll be learning the language of the web. In addition, the core programming concepts you’ll learn are applicable to nearly all other languages, which will help you communicate with other coders and developers, or branch out to other programming tools on your own.

By the end of this hands-on course, you’ll:

  • You’re working in collaborative, multidisciplinary teams and want to better understand the work and language of coders and developers

What will i learn?


skill expert




Skill level


Expiry period




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