Course description

Edge Normals - Understanding UV Maps - Automatic Mapping - Projection Mapping and Unfold - UV Sew and UV Layout - UV Map Arrangement - Delete History and Layer Editor - Edge to Curve and NURBS to Poly - Duplicate Special - Create and Assign Materials - Material Color and Specularity - Applying Substances - Creating the UV Snapshot - UV Snapshot Setup in Photoshop - Creating the Rope Texture - Texture Based Normal Map - Assign the Normal Map - Setup for Projection - High Poly to Low Poly Projection - Finishing Up the Textures - Applying Materials to Game Objects - Unreal Engine 4 Grid Settings - Image Planes - Basic NURBS Shaping - Basic NURBS Shaping Continued - Basic NURBS Shaping Final - Live Surface Preparation - Modeling Toolkit Quad Draw - Continued Work with Quad Draw - Edge Spiders - Component Editor - Smooth Preview - Model Cleanup - Custom Viewport Layouts - MEL Script Basics - MEL Echo All Commands

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Memory Systems


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Overview In this course, we first provide a comprehensive overview of memory systems, taking an approach that covers both fundamentals and recent research. We first introduce fundamental principles and ideas, covering DRAM and emerging memory technologies as well as many architectural concepts and ideas related to memory organization, memory control, processing-in-memory, and memory latency / energy / bandwidth / reliability / security / QoS. We discuss major challenges facing modern memory systems (and the computing platforms we currently design around the memory system) in the presence of greatly increasing demand for data and its fast analysis. We examine some promising research and design directions to overcome these challenges. On the research-related part of course (sprinkled across topical lectures), we discuss the following key research topics in detail, focusing on both open problems and potential solution directions: Fundamental issues in memory reliability and security and how to enable fundamentally secure, reliable, safe architectures Enabling data-centric and hence fundamentally energy-efficient architectures that are capable of performing computation near data Reducing both latency and energy consumption by tackling the fixed-latency/energy mindset Enabling emerging memory technologies Enabling predictable and QoS-aware memory systems Research challenges and opportunities in enabling emerging NVM (non-volatile memory) technologies Scaling NAND flash memory and SSDs (solid state drives) into the future


22:36:25 Hours