Tautology Checking-Propositional un satisfiability - Analytic Tableaux - Consistency and Completeness - The Completeness Theorem - Maximally Consistent Sets - Formal Theories - Proof Theory - Hilbert-style - Derived Rules - The Hilbert System Soundness,Completeness-Introduction to Predicate Logic-The Semantic of Predicate Logic-Sub situvations- Models
Structures and Substructures - First Order Theories-Predicate Logic: Proof Theory-Existential Quantification - Normal Forms-Scalalemization - Substitutions and Instantiations - Unification - Resolution in FOL - More on Resolution in FOL - Resolution : Soundness and Completeness - Resolution and Tableaux - Completeness of Tableaux Method - Completeness of the Hilbert System - Towards Logic Programming - Verification of Imperative Programs - Verification of WHILE Programs - References