Innovative Computing

Overview Contents: Books to Bench to Bedside Informatics for Autism Research - An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing - Astronomy as I See It-Statistical Signal Processing for Modern High - Dimensional Data Sets - An Introduction to Computational Multi-physics: Motivations for Triple-M Modeling-Selected Applications Part-Theoretical Background Part - An Introduction to Computational Multi-physics: Selected Applications Part-Examples/Applications Part-Theoretical Background Part - Medical Imaging Computing: From Data to Understanding - From Bio-polymer Translation to Hemo dynamics: New Challenges in Multi-scale Computing

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled English
Created by skill expert
Last updated Sat, 18-Jun-2022
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Course overview
Lecture Details

May 31, 2006 - Isaac Kohane, Lawrence J. Henderson Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Health Sciences and Technology; Associate Professor of Medicine, HMSChildrens HospitalAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a socio-cognitive disorder which has a high (up to 1% by some estimates) prevalence in our society. More controversially, ASD is reported to be on the increase. Less controversially, ASD is known to have a strong inherited component as well as an environmental component. And yet, despite decades of research, precious little is understood about the causes of this disorder and existing therapies are often unsatisfactory. Notwithstanding, the genomic revolution offers the potential for some novel insights and therapies. The seminar will review the challenges and the solutions that computational approaches bring to a systematic understanding of ASD. The integrative role of computing in synthesizing insights from the genome, bibliome, imaging and other measurement modalities is reviewed and a broader role for computing in the investigation of complex diseases is proposed.

Curriculum for this course
13 Lessons 18:13:28 Hours
13 Lessons 18:13:28 Hours
  • Bench Bedside Informatics for Autism Research
    Preview 01:03:51
  • An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure
  • Astronomy as I See It
  • Statistical Signal Processing Modern High-Dimensional Data
  • Computational Multiphysics Motivations for Triple-M Modeling
  • Computational Multiphysics Selected Applications Part 1
  • Computational Multiphysics Theoretical Background Part 2
  • Computational Multiphysics Selected Applications Part 2
  • Computational Multiphysics II ExamplesApplications Part I
  • Computational Multiphysics II Theoretical Background Part II
  • Computational Multiphysics II Theoretical Background Part I
  • Medical Imaging Computing From Data to Understanding
  • Biopolymer Translocation to Hemodynamics New Challenges
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skill expert

0 Reviews | 18 Students | 467 Courses
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