Course description

Sweet New CSS3 Selectors - Laying Out the Website - Starting the Styling - Styling the Navigation Menu - Making Everything Pretty - Finishing the Layout - Flexible Box Model - Styling the Header and Navigation - Finishing the Flexible Box Model Layout.

Reversing the Box Order - More Flexible Box Model Tricks! - Finishing up the Flexible Box Model - Rounded Corners and Shadows! - Text Shadows, Gradients, and Alpha - Crazy Transformations - Animating with Transitions - Making Awesome Rollover Buttons - Working with JavaScript in HTML5 - querySelectorAll - Playing Video on Your Website - How to Customize Your Video Player - Making Your Skin Look Pretty! -Styling the Default and Progress Bars

Programming the Video Player - Playing and Pausing the Movie - How to Update the Progress Bar - Finishing Up the Video Player! - The Canvas Element - Drawing Shapes on the Canvas - Gradients on the Canvas - Making Sweet Custom Shapes! - Working with Text and Shadows - Transformations - Saving and Restoring the Canvas.

Images on the Canvas - Animation for Games! - Drag and Drop - Working on the Drag and Drop Program - Finishing the Drag and Drop Program! - Spice it Up - Web Storage API - Making the Web Storage Program Pretty - Saving Data.

What will i learn?


skill expert




Skill level


Expiry period




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