Course description

Lecture Details

This is Part 2 of 6 week Hadoop Administration course. The 3hr Interactive live class covers main features of Hadoop 2.x and What has changed in Hadoop 2.x over Hadoop 1.x? We also understand the details of Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS). The Tutorial covers in detail about Name Node, Data Nodes, Secondary Name Node, Active-Passive NameNode, YARN, MRv2 and MRv1, Resource and Node Manager and Hadoop Cluster Configuration. It goes into the details of Hadoop 2.x, Hadoop Configuration Files, Plan your Hadoop Cluster Hardware and software Considerations, Popular Hadoop Distributions. More details are below
Welcome, Lets Get Going on our Hadoop Journey...

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How it Works?

1. This is a 6 Week Instructor led Online Course.
2. We have a 3-hour Live and Interactive Sessions every Sunday.

3. We have 3 hours of Practical Work involving Lab Assignments, Case Studies and Projects every week which can be done at your own pace.

What will i learn?


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22:36:25 Hours