12 Lessons
00:11:43 Hours
42 Lessons
20:58:39 Hours
Cryogenic Engineering by Prof. M.D. Atrey , Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
42 Lessons
35:38:34 Hours
Overview Introduction and course overview - Constituents of concrete - Admixtures in concrete - mineral and chemical - Hydration of cement - Basic properties of concrete - Proportioning of concrete mixes - Pores and porosity in concrete - Porosimetry
40 Lessons
32:27:22 Hours
Overview Engineering Mechanics, Equilibrium, Plan Trusses, Friction, Properties of surfaces, Method of virtual work
31 Lessons
29:46:13 Hours
Overview Introduction, Internal Energy Enthalpy, Crystal Geometry, Structure, Structure of Solid Materials, Non Crystalline Solids
35 Lessons
33:16:54 Hours
Overview Basic of non-linear finite element analysis - Heat transfer problem - Incremental-iterative approach - Incremental procedure - Simple non-linear problem - Stress update algorithm - Hardening material - Delta epsilon - Rate dependent
22 Lessons
17:56:49 Hours
Overview Stress and strains in 3d - straction vector - planes of maximum shear stress - tensosrs - hydrostatic&deviatoric stress - relative displacement&rotation tensors-equilibrium equns in 2-d polar coords - shrink fit stress
40 Lessons
36:59:51 Hours
Overview Introduction - intial value problems of mathematical physics - element calculation-post process - advantages&problems
38 Lessons
35:09:53 Hours