Lecture Details Lecture Series on Data Structures and Algorithms by Dr. Naveen Garg, Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.iitm.ac.in
36 Lessons
32:48:50 Hours
Overview Intro to labs - Compiling - gcc and/or eclipse - Problem Solving - topdown, systematic - Problem Solving - abstraction - if/then/else, chained ifs, while loops, function calls - primative types - typecasting - pointers - pass by reference/pass by value
45 Lessons
30:20:04 Hours
Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C, Java, C++ ยท Python for Data Structures. Top rated course for IT professionals. Start learning now! Expert-Led Courses. Hands-on projects.
12 Lessons
11:49:48 Hours
Overview Introduction to data structures - Data Structures: List as abstract data type - Introduction to linked list - Data Structures: Arrays vs Linked Lists - Linked List - Implementation in C/C++,Linked List in C/C++:Inserting a node at beginning,Insert a node at nth position,Delete a node at nth position - Reverse a linked list - Iterative method
41 Lessons
09:18:42 Hours