Overview Linux Basics:Introduction to Linux, File System of the Linux, General usage of Linux kernel & basic commands, Linux users and group, Permissions for file, directory and users, Searching a file & directory, zipping and unzipping concepts
43 Lessons
38:10:57 Hours
Creating a Basic Window - Handle User Events - Anonymous Inner Classes and Lambda Expressions - Switching Scenes
35 Lessons
04:40:41 Hours
Overview How to install Qt Creator and SDK on Linux Ubuntu - Installing Qt SDK - Create First Qt Program - Qt Signal and slots (QSlider and QProgressBar)
32 Lessons
05:03:25 Hours
Overview Introduction and Installing and Configuring Java JDK - How to install Android Studio - Building Your First Android App (Hello World Example) - How to Install and Setup Genymotion for Android Studio ( GenyMotion Android Emulator )
37 Lessons
07:16:33 Hours
Overview Downloading Visual Studio and Creating First VB Program - Variable Declaration in Visual Basic - Using If then Else Statements in Visual Basic - How to Create a Simple Calculator in Visual Basic - Set Your Form Properties (background image ,icon ..) in Visual Basic
50 Lessons
05:43:13 Hours
Overview Install NetBeans IDE with jdk 7 on Windows - Setup and First Project with Glassfish and NetBeans IDE - JSF Page Navigation rule example - Integrating Images with JSF - Configure Managed Beans in JSF - JSF 2.0 + Ajax Example - Simple Login Application by Calling Method in JSF - How to Enable or Disable line numbers in NetBeans IDE - How to Install Java JDK (Java Development Kit) (Java 7) on Ubuntu Linux - Install NetBeans IDE on Ubuntu Linux - How to Create a CHM or Compiled HTML Help (.CHM) File
12 Lessons
02:22:25 Hours
Overview Button Press Events - Controls Screen - Tank Turret - Tank Body - Tank Guns and Wheels - Moving Tank - Tank Turret Functionality - Moving the Turret
50 Lessons
05:48:42 Hours
Overview Whole java netbeans Project (jtable , jdatepicker ,itext , Login , Signout ,iReport and more...) - Install NetBeans IDE with jdk 7 on Windows - Create netbeans project and download SQLite Manager from firefox (web browser)
50 Lessons
07:02:36 Hours
Overview How to insert the selected item of combobox in mysql from netbeans java - How to Use JFileChooser in java netbeans - Update two jtable from a single jbutton in java netbeans - Save documents in jtable using jfilechooser and open it from table in java netbeans
50 Lessons
07:06:08 Hours