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Ruby Programming

Ruby Programming


Overview Contents: Installing Ruby - Writing a Simple Program - Math and Variable s- Classes - Creating Objects - Inheritance - Adding More Attributes - Methods - Everything is an Object - Argue-ments - String Functions - More About Variables & Methods - Expressions and Short cuts - Decision Making - Comparison Operators - unless - Loops - Extracting the Value From Loops - Changing Data Types - Constants - Multiple Line String Variables - Interpolation - Beginning Regular Expressions - Regular Expressions in Loops - Extracting Numbers and Character Classes - Decision Making with Regular Expressions - Beginning Arrays - push and pop - each and length - Cool Array Tricks - Hashes - Methods for Hashes

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 32
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 02:44:18 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Installing Ruby - Writing a Simple Program - Math and Variable s- Classes - Creating Objects - Inheritance - Adding More Attributes - Methods - Everything is an Object - Argue-ments - String Functions - More About Variables & Methods - Expressions and Short cuts - Decision Making - Comparison Operators - unless - Loops - Extracting the Value From Loops - Changing Data Types - Constants - Multiple Line String Variables - Interpolation - Beginning Regular Expressions - Regular Expressions in Loops - Extracting Numbers and Character Classes - Decision Making with Regular Expressions - Beginning Arrays - push and pop - each and length - Cool Array Tricks - Hashes - Methods for Hashes