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Git Tutorials

Git Tutorials


Overview How to Download and Install Git - Config Our Username and Email - Creating Our First Repository - Commit - Adding Files and the Commit Log - Git Workflow - How to Edit Files - Viewing the Changes That You Made - Comparing the Staging Area with the Repository - How to Delete Files - How to Move and Rename Files - Working with an Actual Website - How to Commit Directly to the Repository - Checkout this video (Git it?) - Unstage Files - Getting Old Versions from the Repository - GitHub - Pushing to a GitHub Repository

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 18
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 01:41:18 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview How to Download and Install Git - Config Our Username and Email - Creating Our First Repository - Commit - Adding Files and the Commit Log - Git Workflow - How to Edit Files - Viewing the Changes That You Made - Comparing the Staging Area with the Repository - How to Delete Files - How to Move and Rename Files - Working with an Actual Website - How to Commit Directly to the Repository - Checkout this video (Git it?) - Unstage Files - Getting Old Versions from the Repository - GitHub - Pushing to a GitHub Repository