Learning Cinema 4D from Scratch
21 Lessons
02:31:30 Hours
15 Lessons
01:01:57 Hours
Make sure you always listen when someone is talking. 1.Try to follow the rule, "Listen first, talk second," after starting the conversation. Once you open things up, let the person share their input completely before interjecting. 2.Show that you're listening by maintaining eye contact and nodding on occasion.
44 Lessons
06:06:15 Hours
3 Lessons
01:20:12 Hours
Review of Basic Thermodynamics, Steam Power System, Steam Power System, Steam Power System
45 Lessons
41:27:24 Hours
74 Lessons
05:06:17 Hours
Basics of welding residual stresses & distortions and its mitigation, Measurement & analysis of welding residual stresses and distortions
8 Lessons
06:29:08 Hours
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing, Computer Aided Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing
35 Lessons
31:22:33 Hours
Introduction: Importance of automation in the manufacturing industry. Use of mechatronics.
41 Lessons
32:12:35 Hours