Lecture Details This is actually called lecture 2 but its really the first OO Design in Java PowerPoint Live presentation for OO Design In Java at ITU. Its also the first video for this class which is why I labeled it lecture 1. The lecture covers the Object and Class concept. It was given live at ITU. Its unedited so please disregard my calls to people in the back to "keep it quite" during the lecture. Next time I plan to use a better microphone as well.
11 Lessons
12:58:01 Hours
Lecture Details This video covers the download of the Java SE.
26 Lessons
08:26:36 Hours
Lecture Details A tutorial for beginners on creating a VMware virtual machine with custom settings and installing Ubuntu 11.10 Linux. For more information about Linux visit my website httpdanscourses.com
30 Lessons
04:45:52 Hours
Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power a large share of today’s digital world, by providing the reliable platform upon which many services and applications are built. New, innovative products and digital services designed for the future continue to rely on Java, as well.
18 Lessons
08:24:49 Hours
Overview Contents: Getting Started,Variables and Data Types,Input Output,Arithmetic Operators,Problem Solving,Selection if-else,Problem Solving with Selection,Repetition - while,Logical Operators,Mixed Type Expressions.
24 Lessons
11:49:51 Hours
Overview Contents: C Programming Getting Started,More Data Types and Mixed Type Expressions,Input Output,Selection if-else switch,Logical and Compound Operators,Repetition while do-while for.
29 Lessons
15:05:02 Hours
Thermodynamics is the branch of science that describes the basic laws and principles governing the processes of transfer and transformation of energy along with the changes in properties of the substances affected by such processes. The laws are formulated from observations in nature. The basic principles as corollaries of the laws are established through logical deductions following the laws. The science of thermodynamics also provides the relationships of the properties of substances for their use in determining the changes of properties in physical processes performed by the substances. The subject thermodynamics is of prime importance as a foundation pillar of all branches of engineering, since technological processes and their developments involve transfer and transformation of energy. In the present course we will discuss the laws of thermodynamics and its corollaries. The discussion will be based on physical concepts, mathematical expressions and illustrated examples of practical applications. This will not only clear the physical concepts of the students but will enable the students to get rid of usual misleading concepts in understanding the laws and their applications.
15 Lessons
09:48:52 Hours
The course will start with a brief introduction to robots and robotics. The motivation behind keeping robots in modern industries will be discussed. After providing a brief history of robotics, different components of a robotic system will be identified. The method of determining degrees of freedom of a robotic system will be discussed with some examples. After classifying the robots based on certain criteria, workspace analysis of manipulators will be carried out. Applications of robots in different areas like in manufacturing units, medical science, space, and others, will be discussed. Various methods of robot teaching will be explained with some suitable examples. Economic analysis will be conducted to decide whether we should purchase a robot. Both forward and inverse kinematics problems will be solved with the help of some suitable examples. To ensure smooth variation of joint angles of the robot, trajectory planning schemes will be explained. After carrying out velocity analysis with the help of Jacobian matrix, inverse dynamics problems of robots will be solved using Lagrange-Euler formulation. Control scheme used in robots to realise the joint torques will be discussed. Besides manipulators, analysis will be carried out on wheeled and multi-legged robots. The working principles of various sensors used in robots will be explained in detail. The steps to be followed in robot vision will be discussed with some suitable examples. The principles of motion planning algorithms will be explained in detail. Thus, this course will deal with all the issues related to kinematics, dynamics, control schemes and robot intelligence.
45 Lessons
20:27:52 Hours
Overview Contents: Installing PHP - Basic Output and Variables - Basic Math Functions - If Else Statements - if/elseif/else - Switch statement
35 Lessons
03:13:30 Hours