Overview Lecture Series on Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems by Prof.S.Banerjee,Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
40 Lessons
36:50:13 Hours
A physical system is an arrangement of parts or elements that together exhibit behaviour that the individual constituents do not.
34 Lessons
31:57:46 Hours
Overview Contents: Introduction to Power System Stability Problem Solution of Switching Equation The Equal Area Criterion for Stability
40 Lessons
36:56:34 Hours
Overview The Energy Seminar is produced by the Woods and Precourt Institutes and is comprised of an interdisciplinary series of talks primarily by Stanford experts on a broad range of energy topics.
47 Lessons
45:28:59 Hours
Overview Course Overview & Basics - Example Codes and their Parameters - Mathematical Preliminaries: Groups - Subgroups and Equivalence Relations - Cosets, Rings & Fields - Vector Spaces, Linear - Linear Codes, & Linear independence - Spanning & Basis - The Dual Code - Systematic Generator Matrix - Minimum Distance of a Linear Code
42 Lessons
39:40:10 Hours
Overview Introduction to Information Theory and Coding - Definition of Information Measure and Entropy - Extension of An Information Source and Markov Source - Adjoint of An Information Source, Joint and Conditional Information Measures - Properties of Joint and Conditional Information Measures and a Markov Source - Asymptotic Properties of Entropy and Problem Solving in Entropy - Block Code and Its Properties - Instantaneous Code and Its Properties - Kraft-Mcmillan Equality and Compact Codes - Shannon's First Theorem - Coding Strategies and Introduction to Huffman Coding - Huffman Coding and Proof of Its Optimality - Competitive Optimality of The Shannon Code - Non-Binary Huffman Code and Other Codes - Adaptive Huffman Coding - Shannon-Fano-Elias Coding and Introduction to Arithmetic Coding
41 Lessons
35:42:29 Hours
Overview Evolution of HVDC Transmission-Comparison of HVAC and HVDC systems-Type of HVDC Transmission systems-Components of HVDC transmission systems - Analysis of simple rectifier circuits - Required features of rectification circuits for HVDC transmission
37 Lessons
33:25:18 Hours
Overview Transformer and D.C rotating machine will be the main topics to be discussed in this course. Working principle of ideal transformer and its equivalent circuit referred to two sides. Analysis of practical transformer & its equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit referred to different sides and phasor diagram. Core loss and copper loss. Regulation & efficiency.
40 Lessons
36:22:29 Hours
Overview Contents: Wireless Communications and Diversity : Fast Fading Wireless Channel Modeling - Rayleigh/Ricean Fading Channels - BER Performance in Fading Channels - Diversity modeling for Wireless Communications - BER Performance Improvement with diversity - Types of Diversity Frequency, Time, Space Broadband Wireless Channel Modeling : WSSUS Channel Modeling, RMS Delay Spread - Doppler Fading, Jakes Model, Autocorrelation - Jakes Spectrum - Impact of Doppler Fading
40 Lessons
36:59:24 Hours