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Switched Mode Power Conversion

Switched Mode Power Conversion


Overview Contents: Switched Mode Power Conversion - Overview,Prior Art: Linear dc to dc Power Converters,Power Switching Devices, Ideal Switches, Real Switches, Steady State and Dynamic Characteristics, Conduction and Switching Losses, Drive Requirements, Protection Requirements, Two Quadrant and Four Quadrant Switches,Ideal Reactive Elements: Inductors, Transformers, Capacitors, Impedance vs Frequency Plots, Non-idealities in Reactive Elements, Design of Inductors,Design of Transformers, Measurement Techniques,Sample Design of an Inductor and a Transformer.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 40
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 39:34:03 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Switched Mode Power Conversion - Overview,Prior Art: Linear dc to dc Power Converters,Power Switching Devices, Ideal Switches, Real Switches, Steady State and Dynamic Characteristics, Conduction and Switching Losses, Drive Requirements, Protection Requirements, Two Quadrant and Four Quadrant Switches,Ideal Reactive Elements: Inductors, Transformers, Capacitors, Impedance vs Frequency Plots, Non-idealities in Reactive Elements, Design of Inductors,Design of Transformers, Measurement Techniques,Sample Design of an Inductor and a Transformer.