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Signals and Systems

Signals and Systems


Overview Contents: Introduction to the Course and Basic Concepts - Signals & their Transportation - Elementary Signals in the Discrete Time Domain - Characterisation of Signals - Basic concepts of Linear Time Systems - Convolution Invertibility, & Stability Causality - Stability Unit, Step Response and Differential Equations - Systems Described by Differential & Difference Equations - Fourier & His Series - More About Fourier Series (With Uncomfortable Questions) - Those Uncomfortable Questions about the Existence of Fourier & Series and Some More

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 41
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 33:54:04 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Introduction to the Course and Basic Concepts - Signals & their Transportation - Elementary Signals in the Discrete Time Domain - Characterisation of Signals - Basic concepts of Linear Time Systems - Convolution Invertibility, & Stability Causality - Stability Unit, Step Response and Differential Equations - Systems Described by Differential & Difference Equations - Fourier & His Series - More About Fourier Series (With Uncomfortable Questions) - Those Uncomfortable Questions about the Existence of Fourier & Series and Some More