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Quantum Mechanics: Physical Problems in one-dimension

Quantum Mechanics: Physical Problems in one-dimension


Overview Contents: Physical Problems in one-dimension - Continuous States - Analyzing the Solutions - Are continuous states physical - A Gaussian Wave Packet - Calculating our wave packet - Solving the Schrdinger Equ-Description of Plane Waves - Probability Current Density - Calculating R and T- Explaining Quantum Behavior - Particle-like gets stopped - The strange evanescent wave - Deriving discrete energy value - What is zero-point energy? - Unusual probability densities - The scattering problem

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 32
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 04:41:13 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Physical Problems in one-dimension - Continuous States - Analyzing the Solutions - Are continuous states physical - A Gaussian Wave Packet - Calculating our wave packet - Solving the Schrdinger Equ-Description of Plane Waves - Probability Current Density - Calculating R and T- Explaining Quantum Behavior - Particle-like gets stopped - The strange evanescent wave - Deriving discrete energy value - What is zero-point energy? - Unusual probability densities - The scattering problem