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Object-Oriented Design in Java I

Object-Oriented Design in Java I


Lecture Details This is actually called lecture 2 but its really the first OO Design in Java PowerPoint Live presentation for OO Design In Java at ITU. Its also the first video for this class which is why I labeled it lecture 1. The lecture covers the Object and Class concept. It was given live at ITU. Its unedited so please disregard my calls to people in the back to "keep it quite" during the lecture. Next time I plan to use a better microphone as well.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Mon Jul 2022
Total lectures 11
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 12:58:01 Hours
Total enrolment 1
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Lecture Details This is actually called lecture 2 but its really the first OO Design in Java PowerPoint Live presentation for OO Design In Java at ITU. Its also the first video for this class which is why I labeled it lecture 1. The lecture covers the Object and Class concept. It was given live at ITU. Its unedited so please disregard my calls to people in the back to "keep it quite" during the lecture. Next time I plan to use a better microphone as well.