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Overview Introduction:Origin, Definition, Benefits, Challenges, Commercial activities, Physics of miniaturization, Scaling laws;Micro-scale fluid mechanics:Intermolecular forces, States of matter, Continuum assumption, Governing equations, Constitutive relations - Gas and liquid flows, Boundary conditions, Slip theory, Transition to turbulence, Low Re flows, Entrance effects - Exact solutions, Couette flow, Poiseuille flow, Stokes drag on a sphere, Time-dependent flows, Two-phase flows, Thermal transfer in microchannels - Hydraulic resistance and Circuit analysis, Straight channel of different cross-sections, Channels in series and parallel;Capillary flows:Surface tension and interfacial energy, Young-Laplace equation, Contact angle, Capillary length and capillary rise, Interfacial boundary conditions, Marangoni effect;Electrokinetics:Electrohydrodynamics fundamentals

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 41
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 34:26:26 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Introduction:Origin, Definition, Benefits, Challenges, Commercial activities, Physics of miniaturization, Scaling laws;Micro-scale fluid mechanics:Intermolecular forces, States of matter, Continuum assumption, Governing equations, Constitutive relations - Gas and liquid flows, Boundary conditions, Slip theory, Transition to turbulence, Low Re flows, Entrance effects - Exact solutions, Couette flow, Poiseuille flow, Stokes drag on a sphere, Time-dependent flows, Two-phase flows, Thermal transfer in microchannels - Hydraulic resistance and Circuit analysis, Straight channel of different cross-sections, Channels in series and parallel;Capillary flows:Surface tension and interfacial energy, Young-Laplace equation, Contact angle, Capillary length and capillary rise, Interfacial boundary conditions, Marangoni effect;Electrokinetics:Electrohydrodynamics fundamentals