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MEMS and Microsystems

MEMS and Microsystems


Overview Introduction, Evoluation of MEMS, Microsensors. MEMS Materials, Microelectronic Technology, Etch Stop Techniques, Fabrication of Micromachined Microstructure, Microstereolithography, MEMS Pressure and Flow Sensor, MEMS Gyro Sensor, MEMS for Space Application, Wafer Bonding, Packaging of MEMS, MEMS for Biomedical Applications (Bio-MEMS).

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 31
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 30:55:14 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Introduction, Evoluation of MEMS, Microsensors. MEMS Materials, Microelectronic Technology, Etch Stop Techniques, Fabrication of Micromachined Microstructure, Microstereolithography, MEMS Pressure and Flow Sensor, MEMS Gyro Sensor, MEMS for Space Application, Wafer Bonding, Packaging of MEMS, MEMS for Biomedical Applications (Bio-MEMS).