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Java EE Programming,Spring 2012

Java EE Programming,Spring 2012


Lecture Details This video demonstrates how to install and configure your Windows XP system for Java EE Programming. The JDK as well as Eclipse and JGrasp are downloaded, installed and demonstrated. The JRE is also installed. This video will show you everything you need to do and configure so that you can write and run Java EE programs on your computer.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Mon Jul 2022
Total lectures 17
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 15:38:47 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Lecture Details This video demonstrates how to install and configure your Windows XP system for Java EE Programming. The JDK as well as Eclipse and JGrasp are downloaded, installed and demonstrated. The JRE is also installed. This video will show you everything you need to do and configure so that you can write and run Java EE programs on your computer.