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Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems

Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems


Overview Contents: Overview Of Linear Dynamical Systems - Linear Functions - Linearization - Nullspace Of A Matrix - Orthonormal Set Of Vectors - Least-Squares - Least-Squares Polynomial Fitting - Multi-Objective Least-Squares - Least-Norm Solution - Examples Of Autonomous Linear Dynamical Systems - Solution via Laplace Transform And Matrix Exponential - Time Transfer Property - Markov Chain (Example) - Jordan Canonical Form - DC Or Static Gain Matrix - RC Circuit (Example) - Gain Of A Matrix In A Direction - Sensitivity Of Linear Equations To Data Error - Reachability, Controllable System - Continuous - Time Reachability

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 20
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 24:26:51 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Overview Of Linear Dynamical Systems - Linear Functions - Linearization - Nullspace Of A Matrix - Orthonormal Set Of Vectors - Least-Squares - Least-Squares Polynomial Fitting - Multi-Objective Least-Squares - Least-Norm Solution - Examples Of Autonomous Linear Dynamical Systems - Solution via Laplace Transform And Matrix Exponential - Time Transfer Property - Markov Chain (Example) - Jordan Canonical Form - DC Or Static Gain Matrix - RC Circuit (Example) - Gain Of A Matrix In A Direction - Sensitivity Of Linear Equations To Data Error - Reachability, Controllable System - Continuous - Time Reachability